Dec 20, 2022
In this episode, Amy delves into the cold and wet with "winter", and Ryan learns what happens when you combine a Greek letter with a sort of early missile with "Christmas".
Lexitecture is a podcast about etymology (the linguistics study of the origin and history of words). In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot...
Nov 7, 2022
In this episode, Amy takes learns that cheese has always sold itself with "cheesemonger", and Ryan makes an ostentatious show of things for a "parade".
Special and enthusiastic thanks to Alyson, our newest Patreon sponsor!! Thank you Alyson, and to everyone who supports us over there!
Lexitecture is a podcast about...
Oct 25, 2022
In this episode, Amy takes her sweet time with "sloth", and Ryan tries to make the most of old "junk".
Lexitecture is a podcast about etymology (the linguistics study of the origin and history of words). In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its...
Oct 10, 2022
In this episode, Amy finds a solid footing with "basic", and Ryan revels in autumnal activities with "harvest".
Enormous and heartfelt merci to Joy, our latest Patreon supporter!!
Lexitecture is a podcast about etymology (the linguistics study of the origin and history of words). In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a...
Sep 22, 2022
In this long, long, LONG overdue episode, Amy traces the story of a national obsession with a "queue", and Ryan pulls and drags his way through the story of "draw".
Lexitecture is a podcast about etymology (the linguistics study of the origin and history of words). In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy)...