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Jul 30, 2018

In this episode, Amy tracks definitions that not only shift but outright reverse with "borrow" and Ryan watches as 'treowwryhta' goes extinct after the advent of "carpenter".

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk...

Jul 23, 2018

In this episode, Amy admires the 'go-get-em' work ethic of the hard-working "pirate" and Ryan triggers lots of heebie jeebies by discovering the moist nature of "humour".

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about...

Jul 10, 2018

In this episode, Amy appreciates the timeless nature of the word (and artifact) "book" and Ryan wonders what Shakespeare called Romeo before the word "character" was used.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about...

Jul 4, 2018

In this episode, Amy stands amid the origin of "understand" and Ryan discovers that there were "virtual" plants in the 14th century.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try...